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Saying goodbye to a loved one is a very difficult and emotional time for all involved.
Bagpipes played well can touch the deepest emotions, the rich resonating drone sound seems to speak to the human soul.
For centuries funeral pipers have played to commemorate the loss of a loved one.
A funeral piper can be utilised at any point during the service in accordance with the wishes of the departed and their family.
The following suggestions are for guidance.
Prior to the service as the mourners gather
Marching in front of the hearse as it arrives at the crematorium
As the coffin is removed from the hearse.
Leading the coffin into the crematorium chapel
Play at the end of the service as the mourners disperse
Prior to the service as the mourners gather
Marching in front of the hearse as it arrives.
Leading the coffin into the service
Play the coffin back to the hearse after the service
Leading the coffin to the graveside
Play following the committal as the coffin is lowered. Piper will normally then walk slowly away allowing the sound to fade as the mourners disperse
It is vital to inform the venue and the funeral director of your intention to have a piper, some have rules regarding when or where the piper can play and it is easier to plan appropriately if these are known in advance.